Fee Calculation

(Ref : Clause 7, 16, 78 of Bihar Building Bye-laws 2014)
S.No.Fee HeadDescriptionCharges (Rs.)
#Based on the type of applications :

For New Building Permit Application or re-erection of existing building
1 Pasting/Scanning FeesFor record keeping100
2 Building Permit Fee (per sqm of Builtup Area) Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height12
Upto 15 m Building Height18
More than 15 m Building Height25
Other Non-Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height24
Upto 15 m Building Height36
More than 15 m Building Height50
Institutional Buildings (For Charitable, Religious only)Upto 10 m Building Height6
Upto 15 m Building Height9
More than 15 m Building Height12.5

Other fees :
3 Shelter fund (per sqm on 10% of Gross Built up Area) 1. For Multistoried Residential buildingsOn plot area of 4000 sqm or more or more than 8 number of flats750
2. Other Residential, Commercial and Mixed Use(Residential and Commercial)On plot area less than 4000 sqm but not less than 500 sqm or more than 8 number of flats)

Shelter fund shall be not applicable if 15 % of Gross Builtup Area is provided for Economical Weaker Section (EWS) or Lower Income Group(LIG) as a seperate block from the 8 number of flats
4 Labour Cess

The amount for labour cess shall be 1% of the total construction cost. The construction cost shall to be determined by 'Plinth Area Rates of Central PWD'.

For Renewal/Revalidation Application
1 Pasting/Scanning FeesFor record keeping100
2 Building Permit Fee @1/4 (per sqm of Builtup Area if submitted within three years of original application) Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height12
Upto 15 m Building Height18
More than 15 m Building Height25
Other Non-Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height24
Upto 15 m Building Height36
More than 15 m Building Height50
Institutional Buildings (For Charitable, Religious only)Upto 10 m Building Height6
Upto 15 m Building Height9
More than 15 m Building Height12.5

*Note : For renewal and revalidation of a plan of a building submitted within 3 years to which the Authority has already sanctioned, the building permit fees shall be chargeable as 1/4 of the building permit fee on the new building permit application subject to the condition that the covered area of the building has not increased than in the original sanctioned plan. If submitted after three years, full Building Permit fee shall be applicable as in New Building Permit.

For Revision/Existing Application
1 Pasting/Scanning FeesFor record keeping100
2 Building Permit Fee @1/4 (per sqm of Builtup Area if submitted within three years of original application) Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height12
Upto 15 m Building Height18
More than 15 m Building Height25
Other Non-Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height24
Upto 15 m Building Height36
More than 15 m Building Height50
Institutional Buildings (For Charitable, Religious only)Upto 10 m Building Height6
Upto 15 m Building Height9
More than 15 m Building Height12.5

*Note :
(i) For revision of a plan of a building submitted within three years to which the Authority has already sanctioned, the Building Permit Fee shall be charged as 1/4 of the Building Permit Fees if covered area of the building has not increased than in the original sanctioned plan to the revised plan.
(ii) The original sanctioned/approved plan parameters should be checked with revised plan parameters. If covered area is more, then full Building Permit Fee shall be chargeable on excess Built up area only additional to the fee in (i) . If submitted after three years from the issue date of sanctioned plan, full Building Permit fee shall be applicable as in New Building Permit.

Fees below shall be applicable as per situations/conditions provided below :

Fee Situations/Conditions Charges (in Rs.)
Residential/Institutional Buildings Others
1 Compounding fee per sqm. of built up area (in Rs.)Where development has been undertaken without permission but within the framework of use restrictions and the provisions of the Byelaws applicable to the concerned plot.20003000
Where development has been undertaken in deviation to the approved plan but within the framework of use restrictions and the provisions of the Byelaws applicable to the concerned plot.20002000
2 Condonation fee per sqm. on excess built up area (in Rs.)Constructions beyond permission but within the limit as per below deviations beyond the permissible norms of these byelaws
(i) 10 % in respect of side and rear setbacks,
(ii) 5 % in respect to FAR,
(iii) 5% in respect to height with a maximum limit of 0.90 m.

*Note : Compounding and Condonation fee shall be applicable only when prior situations/conditions are applicable on the Revision/Existing Application.

For Occupancy/Completion Application
1 Application Fee (Rs)Application fee1000
2 Building Permit Fee @1/4 (per sqm of Builtup Area if submitted within three years of approved plan application) Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height12
Upto 15 m Building Height18
More than 15 m Building Height25
Other Non-Residential BuildingsUpto 10 m Building Height24
Upto 15 m Building Height36
More than 15 m Building Height50
Institutional Buildings (For Charitable, Religious only)Upto 10 m Building Height6
Upto 15 m Building Height9
More than 15 m Building Height12.5

*Note : For occupancy certificate, the building permit fees shall be chargeable as 1/4 of the Building Permit Fees. The completion certificate shall be submitted within the period of 3 years of plan approval permission is granted. In case of failure to submit the completion certificate within the prescribed period the permission shall have to be renewed/revalidated before the expiry of the above period on payment of such fee and such revalidation shall be valid for another 2 years. If the occupancy is not taken in above mentioned 5 years period, the applicant shall have to apply for a new building permit application.

#Provision to demand for the following fees by the department if not paid/partly paid while submitting application by the applicant :

Development fee (for New Building Permit Application)
1 Development Fee (per kattha, 1 kattha = 1361.25 sq.ft. or 126.51 sqm.)
On part plots only in Non approved Co-operative Lands, North Shri Krishna Puri (S.K. Puri) - Phase 2 (Part Plot means that the original plot has been divided and sold as two or more plots)
For 'Non approved Co-operative Lands'15000
For 'North Shri Krishna Puri (S.K. Puri) - Phase 2'2000

*Note : Development Fee shall be applicable if the land is not approved as per sale deed document on part plots only as one plot has been divided and sold into parts in above mentioned areas. This fee if paid while submitting application by the applicant shall be checked by the draughtsman in the workflow in paid fees receipt. If it has not been paid or partly paid by the applicant, then it shall be demanded by the department from the Director's login in the workflow.

Shelter Fund (for New Building Permit Application)
1 Shelter fund (per sqm on 10% of Gross Built up Area) 1. For Multistoried Residential buildingsOn plot area of 4000 sqm or more or more than 8 number of flats750
2. Other Residential, Commercial, Mixed Use(Residential and Commercial)On plot area less than 4000 sqm but not less than 500 sqm or more than 8 number of flats)

Shelter fund shall be not applicable if 15 % of Gross Builtup Area is provided for Economical Weaker Section (EWS) or Lower Income Group(LIG) as a seperate block from the 8 number of flats

Labour Cess (for New Building Permit Application)

The amount for labour cess shall be 1% of the total construction cost. The construction cost shall to be determined by 'Plinth Area Rates of Central PWD'.

Compounding fee (For Revision/Existing Application)

Fee Situations/Conditions Charges (in Rs.)
Residential/Institutional Buildings Others
1 Compounding fee (per sqm. of built up area)Where development has been undertaken without permission but within the framework of use restrictions and the provisions of the Bihar Building Byelaws 2014 applicable to the concerned plot.20003000
Where development has been undertaken in deviation to the approved plan but within the framework of use restrictions and the provisions of the Bihar Building Byelaws 2014 applicable to the concerned plot.20002000

Condonation fee (For Revision/Existing Application)
1 Condonation fee (per sqm. on excess built up area)Constructions beyond permission but within the limit as per below deviations beyond the permissible norms of Bihar Building Byelaws 2014
(i) 10 % in respect of side and rear setbacks,
(ii) 5 % in respect to FAR,
(iii) 5% in respect to height with a maximum limit of 0.90 m.

S.No.Fee HeadCharges (Rs.)

For New Technical Person Registration

Application fee (Except Architects having COA registration)500

For Renewal of Technical Person Registration

Renewal fee (Except Architects having COA registration)500

S.No.Fee HeadCharges (Rs.)

For New Builder Registration

Processing fee500

Application fee5000

For Renewal of Builder Registration

Renewal fee5000