How to apply

Applying for a Building Permit

If you are applying for a building permission, being the land owner(s), you have to add required land (plot) details of the land in AutoMap. Further to adding property details, you have to assign a registered technical person and builder (if required) of your choice in AutoMap. A PMO service is available, using which you can nominate the technical person and builder to apply for the particular application. To apply for building permission, the applicant needs to upload a secured client utility file (APZ file) prepared by the assigned technical person from the related login. Prior to uploading this APZ file, the applicant shall upload the relevant scanned documents along with the application in AutoMap and then submitting the application by making the applicable online fee payment.

Please refer to our Building Permit Guidelines(provide link to web page containing documents required for all specific risk categories) for more detailed information about complete application requirements for specific types of buildings.

*NOTE: If you need more information about Building Plan Approval or are unsure if your project requires a Building Plan Approval please read the information resources on the Citizen Portal.

Applying for a Occupancy Certificate

(Information as above which has been incorporated for Completion/Occupancy applications in the system)