Builder Registration

This option allows Business user to register as Builder in the AutoMAP system. Business users belong to different business types can register as a Builder in the system. In order to do the Builder Registration, log in to the system using the user credentials of Business registered user.

There are two types of Builder Registration,

  • New Registration
  • Already Registered in PMC

For new registration, the Business user can proceed with ‘No’ option if the builder is not already registered in Patna Municipal Corporation and shall register in the system by making the desired fee payment. After successful submission, this will be verified by the concerned department for approvals or rejections. For already registered, the Business user shall select the ‘Yes’ option and shall enter the Registration Number in the desired tab. The system will automatically verify the details provided with available data after validation of one time password(OTP) on the registered mobile number.

The renewal of the builder registration shall also be made by the system with prior verification by the department.

In order to register as Builder, login to the system using the user credentials of Business registered user. For help, click here.