Once the applicant submits the application, the department user schedules a time for the visit to the site. Where he/she uses a mobile application, to note their finding and updates pictures of the site. During the inspection, it is advisable for all the relevant parties of the building to be available and present with all required documents. The questions considered during the site inspection are as listed below:
- Build license applied for
- Site dimension as per plan?
- Any OH HT line?
- Any UG Service near the site? If yes, please describe
- What is the source of water (for construction) ?
- What is the source of water (post construction) ?
- Preliminary preparation are done ?
- Existing Road width (In meter)
- Mean of access from street to proposed building
- Site Frontage
- Any existing physical features such as walls, drainage, pond, trees etc
- Electric supply line
- Water Supply
- Drainage line
- Adjacent streets and building on adjoining plots (No. of stories & Height)
- Name of the Road/Street