Applicants are encouraged to go through this portal to obtain pre-application information before submitting an application, run the self pre-scrutiny of the drawing or as a last resort, contact Town Planning Section in Patna Municipal Corporation. Pre-application Validation is encouraged as it can: Verify the requirements of PMC are met or not, to reduce the likelihood of submitting invalid applications; Helps to understand how Master Plan, Bylaws and other policies/requirements affect your proposals; Pre-scrutiny of the drawing at your desktop using the Author software to reduce rejections.
The level of preparation required for a building permit application depends on what you propose to do. In simple cases it should be sufficient to look at the main issues governing the grant of permission; and decide which of these are relevant to your application.
It is also important that you say why you think your proposed development should be allowed to go ahead. Please bear in mind that the applications will normally be decided in accordance with the Bihar Building Bylaws 2014, therefore you will need to justify any proposals which would constitute an exception to the plan.
Few other instructions are as below:
- Make sure that all information is completely and correctly filled to avoid the rejection of application. Upload readable scans of relevant documents as required by the respective department and the latest version of Bihar Building Bylaws 2014. Submitting the online application authorizes on behalf of architect and owner, according to the information provided. Rests of the forms are to be uploaded as PDFs.
- The drawing file should be prepared for submission by using Auto Plan Author Utility (available with Architects registered in PMC). Put all the drawings in a single or multiple AutoCAD file based on the structure of your drawings. Make sure to mark all the sheets in the Author Utility before creating the *.apz file.
- To avoid rejection by the system, make sure to mark all the required parameters, verify and correct your drawing before creating the *.apz file and uploading on the web portal. Input the correct covered area in the Author Utility to avoid delay due to incorrect fees payment. The architect will be required to upload the *.apz file which will be scrutinized by the system.
- Contact ‘support email’ and if you need any help regarding the application process or Auto Plan Author Utility. Update your email ID and phone number to receive regular notifications for your application. Forms will be automatically generated with the information provided by the applicant in the application and will be considered authorized by the owner and architect when the application is submitted.
- After getting the approval for Building Permit, make sure to submit the Notice for Commencement of Work and then apply for Completion and Occupation Certificate before the deadlines to avoid fines/penalties.
- Approval of Building Plans will never be admissible as the proof of ownership by the applicant. Any wrong information given by Applicant will be liable for legal action by the Patna Municipal Corporation Department.