Applicants are encouraged to apply planning approvals online using this AutoMAP Portal. If applying for planning applications, after successful Individual user creation, applicant adds the plot details of the land from his registered login in the system. Further to adding property details, applicant assigns a registered technical person and builder(if required) of his/her choice in the system only.
Also provided is the PMO service to the applicant, in which he/she can nominate the technical person and builder to apply for the particular type of application.
A client utility file (.apz file) will be prepared by technical persons registered in this AutoMAP Portal using AutoPlan BPAS tool provided to them. To know more about APZ file, please go to What is APZ file and how do we create ?
To apply for planning application, the applicant needs to upload a secured client utility file(.apz file) to the created land application from his/her login only. Prior to uploading this secured application file(APZ file), the attachments list based on the type of application will be displayed to upload the scanned documents to the application. Further to it, the application will be submitted by making the desired payment of fee via online payment methods only.
To know more about the list of documents required, please go to What are the documents required ?
To know more about the fees structure, please go to How much is the Fees ?
Please refer to our Application Guidelines (user manual) for more detailed information about complete application process.